An explanation and step by step guide how to get your Greencard (Tarjeta Verde or EU Registry Certificate) 

Note: the explanation and procedure is for people entering Spain from another country within the European Union. If you are from a country outside of the EU, it is necessary to obtain a visa and TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero).

What is the Greencard (EU Registry Certificate)

Let’s start with the fact that this card has many nicknames.

  • Certificado de registro de ciudadano de la Unión (the official name)
  • Tarjeta Verde
  • Greencard
  • EU Registry Certificate
  • Residency card
  • Residencia

It is a card (actually made of paper) and you need to carry it with you at all times. Most people go to a copyshop, order a copy and laminate it. The original is kept at home, because it’s made of paper en deteriorates rather quickly.

Why would you need one?

If you are a citizen of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) and you stay in Spain more than 90 days in a 180 day period, you must apply for the Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la UE. 

With the Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la UE you can:

  • Live in Spain with a legal status
  • Enjoy your pension in Spain
  • Work in Spain
  • Start a company in Spain
  • Apply for healthcare if applicable

Are you entitled to the Greencard (Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la UE)?

The first condition: be a citizen of a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area.

The second condition: spend at least 3 months in a 6 months period in Spain, or to settle permanently in Spain and spend more than 6 months per year.

The third condition: You have to be in one of the following situations:

  • Self employed
  • Employee
  • Student
  • Unemployed person who can prove sufficient income (1) and a public or private health insurance (2). This is the case of people retiring in Spain. 
  • Relative of an EU or EEA member country citizen
  1. Sufficient income. At this moment (2022) depending on the region, a minimum of between € 7000,-  and € 9000,- per person, yearly. This can be a combination of pension and savings. They want proof. 
  2. This can be a S1 form from your homecountry (in case of a pension from a EU country) a private Spanish healthcare insurance, or the National Healthcare declaration from your Spanish job or your Spanish company. They want proof. 

How to get the Greencard (Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la UE)?

Let start with the fact that, unlike the NIE, the request to obtain the Certificado can only be made in Spain. 

Make an appointment (online)

Make an appointment (cita previa) on the government website in the province where you reside. 

Documents to bring

Your appointment will take place at the Dirección General de Policía or at the Oficina de Extranjería in your region (the address is given to you when you make the appointment) and you will need to bring the documentation below:

  • The EX-18 form and its duplicate previously completed and signed. More information on how to fill in this form see the information at the bottom of this page.
  • The completed Modelo 790-012 form which will allow you to pay the administration costs (currently around 12€). You will need to bring the stamped form/proof of payment. 
  • Your original passport (or identity card) and a photocopy. The proof of identity must be valid for at least 12 months at the time of the appointment.
  • A recent Empadronamiento certificate (no older than 3 months)
  • Certified bank statement. Every Spanish bank (you have to ask) and for example Bunq (within the App) can issue such a statement.
  • If there is an underage child involved: an international birth-certificate and an ID. 

Extra documents based on your personal situation

If you are employed, one of the following:

  • Employment contract
  • Declaration of the contract including company’s name, address, taxpayer ID and social security account
  • Social security number

If you are self-employed:

  • Proof of registration in Censo de Actividades Económicas
  • Proof of registration in Registro Mercantil
  • Social security number

If you are a student:

  • Proof of university registration (public or private).
  • Private or public health insurance. This may be the European health insurance card covering your entire stay in Spain.
  • Proof or declaration that you have sufficient resources for your entire stay in Spain.

If you are unemployed:

  • Proof of private or public health insurance.
  • Proof or declaration that you have sufficient resources for your entire stay in Spain.

If you are a relative of an EU or EEA member country citizen:

  • Proof that you are a relative of this person (marriage contract, family record book, etc.).
  • Proof of economic dependence.
  • Proof that your relative works or has sufficient resources 
  • Private or public health insurance. 
Greencard Spain - targeta verde
Greencard Spain

No, you keep your own nationality. The Greencard just means you are a legal resident in Spain. You are not becoming ‘Spanish’ and you can keep your original passport. 

The (first issued) Greencard is valid for a maximum of 5 years. After those 5 years most people can apply for a permanent one. 

Having a Greencard means you are a resident. That is why some people call it the ‘Residency card’.

Yes, you do.

Yes. Some schools are used to having children from other nationalities at school and are more flexibel in allowing you to start registering your child at the school. But there will be a moment they will start asking for it. 

Yes, with the the EU Registry Certificate (Tarjeta Verde/Greencard) and a Spanish income or a pension from abroad that contributes to the national health care you are able to het National Health care. 

If you have a green card (you are resident) you can (in 99% of cases*) keep the same drivers-license until it expires. Renewal of your drivers-license is in Spain, and you will receive a Spanish drivers-license.

* The drivers-license of some countries are not valid in Spain, for example from Mexico. 

If your passport (nearly) expires, you need to renew this in the embassy, consulate or other means available of your home country

Applying for the Greencard / Residency card is more difficult then the NIE number or registering in your village (certificado de empadronamiento). If you are a pensioner with enough income and you master the spanish language a little, it might be possible to do it yourself. But as soon as it’s a bit more complicated, like being an ‘Autonomo’ (independent), we advise you to use the services of a gestor. Most won’t do it for you, but they can assist you with most of the documents. 

The information on this website is written with care and mostly from personal experience. We are not responsible for errors or actions based on this information. 

The first step is to download the EX-18 form. You can find it on the official website of the Sede de Policia (or click to download).

Part 1: Datos del solicitante (personal data)

PASAPORTE: Your valid passport or ID number

NIE: This box can remain empty if you don’t have a NIE.

1st Apellido: Your family name

2nd Apellido: Your 2nd family (if applicable)

Nombre: First name

Sexo: Tick the corresponding box: Male (H) / Female (M)

Fecha de nacimiento: Date of birth

Lugar: Place of birth

Country: Country of birth

Nacionalidad: Nationality

Estado Civil: Tick the corresponding box: Single (S) / Married (C) / Widow (V) / Divorced (D) / Separated (Sp)

Nombre del padre: First name of your father (not family name)

Nombre de la madre: First name of your mother (not family name)

Domicilio en España: Your current address in Spain

N°: House number

Piso: Floor number

Localidad: City

C.P: Postal Code

Provincia: Province

Teléfono móvil: Mobile phone number

E-mail: Your email address

Legal representative: ONLY when the application is made by a legal representative

DNI / NIE / PAS: The identity document of the legal representative

Título : the relationship with the legal representative: father / mother of a minor, legal guardian, etc. 

Part 2: Datos del representante a efectos de presentación de la solicitud (details of the respresentative)

This part is only to be completed if the person submitting the application is different from the applicant. If this is the case, your representative will fill it out on your behalf, as everything else in this form. If the request is made directly by you (applicant), this section is left blank.

Part 3: Domicilio a efectos de notificaciones (notification address)

In this section, you need to indicate the address where you want to receive any correspondence. This may or may not be the same address you provided in the first section.

This section is particularly useful if you are represented by a third party.

Finally, you can tick the box if you would like to be contacted by mail.

Part 4: Situación en España (situation in Spain)

In this section, you need to indicate how long you plan to stay in Spain. If you plan to stay indefinitely or are unsure how long you are going to be a Spanish resident, you can give an approximate number (for example 5 years).

Fecha de inicio de la residencia en España: Indicate when is your appointment to submit your application.

N° de familiares que acompañan o se reúnen con el solicitante en España: Number of family members accompanying you to Spain.

You will then need to indicate the reason for completing this EX-18 form.

A- Residencia temporal (temporary residence)

In this section, you need to tick the box corresponding to your personal and professional situation:

  • Employed person
  • Self-employed worker
  • Inactive person with sufficient resources and health insurance
  • Student with sufficient resources and health insurance
  • EU / EEA / Swiss citizen, family member of another nationality included in the previous sections:
  • Identity number of EU / EEA / Swiss citizen
  • Relationship with the entitled EU / EEA / Swiss citizen

B- Residencia permanente (permanent residence)

Permanent residence can often only be requested after having already lived in Spain for a certain period of time. Here are the different boxes that can be ticked in this section:

  • Continuous residence in Spain for 5 years
  • Worker at retirement age with pension entitlements, who has worked in Spain for 12 months and resided in the country for 3 years
  • Worker at retirement age with pension entitlements, who has worked in Spain for 12 months and has a Spanish spouse/partner
  • Worker at retirement age with pension entitlements, who has worked in Spain for 12 months and whose spouse/partner lost Spanish nationality due to marriage/registration
  • Worker in early retirement who has worked in Spain for 12 months and resided in the country for 3 years
  • Worker in early retirement who has worked in Spain for 12 months and whose spouse/partner is Spanish
  • Worker in early retirement who has worked in Spain for 12 months and whose spouse/partner lost Spanish nationality due to marriage/registration
  • Worker with a permanent disability having resided in Spain for more than 2 continuous years
  • Worker with a permanent disability as a result of an occupational accident or ilness
  • Worker with a permanent disability who has a Spanish spouse/partner
  • Worker with a permanent disability and whose spouse/partner lost Spanish nationality due to marriage/registration
  • Worker who after 3 consecutive years of working and residing in Spain performs their role in another member state while maintaining residence in Spain
  • Other (specify)

C- Modificación (modification)

This section should only be completed if you have already obtained your Certificado de ciudadano de la UE and you wish to change some information :

  • Change of personal details
  • Change of address
  • Change of ID Card/Passport
  • Other (specify)

D- Baja por cese (termination of registration as a resident)

This box should only be ticked if you want to opt out of the central register of foreigners residing in Spain. You will also need to specify the reason.

Bottom section

In this last section, by ticking the box, it means that all the information provided in this form is correct.  

Last step is the signature. Start by specifying the city and date in the following format “[City] a [Day of the month] de [Month] de [Year].

You can then sign in the ‘Firma del Solicitante’ box.