NIE – Número de identidad de extranjero

How to get a NIE number in Spain?

A explanation and step by step guide how to get your NIE (Número de identidad de extranjero).

What is a NIE number?

It means Número de identidad de extranjero (Foreign Identity Number). It is a unique personal fiscal number. The number identifies you and gives you the opportunity to buy things and get all kind of services you need for your house and your life in Spain. To be honest; you need the NIE number for about everything in Spain.

When do I need a NIE number?

Every foreigner having a relation with Spain for economic, professional or social reasons needs a N.I.E. Below we list a number of reasons in more detail.

Buying a house

You need a NIE to buy a house. To be correct; you can make an offer and transfer the downpayment for the house without it, but you’ll need the NIE number to transfer the house at the notary. If you are buying the house with someone else (partner, child) you both need a NIE number.

Rent a house

To legally rent a house (appartement, house, flat etc) long term and have renters-rights, you do need a NIE number.


Every company providing your internet-connection, mobile number, electricity, water, house-insurance etc. needs your NIE number.

Buying or leasing a car

Buying, leasing or renting a car in Spain is only possible with a valid NIE number. Even for buying a second car and the insurance you wil need the NIE.

Opening a bankaccount

The bank you choose to open a (non-resident) bankaccount will need your NIE. If your ‘Gestor’ (a mix of a lawyer and an accountant) has a good relationship with the local bank, the bank might be willing to open a bankaccount before you have it, but eventually they will need to see the NIE. They might be willing to wait a few months, at the most.

Paying your taxes

Even if your not a permanent resident in Spain you will need to pay some taxes. Just like in your home country, there are some taxes and public service you have to pay if you buy or rent a house.

What does the NIE document look like?

In the past you received a creditcard-style plastic card with your name and number. For the last 15-20 years or so they just give you a A4 size paper, with your name, the NIE number and a signature, and that’s it. Don’t be mistaken: all services mentioned on this page need to see the real thing, not just the number. While is just a simple white piece of paper that can easily be copied, they want to see the signed and stamped original. 

To be honest, if you are able to make a good scan and have a good printer you can use copies. Just remember they ask for the original… 

The NIE number itself

The number itself consists out of a letter, like an X or Y, followed by 7 or 8 digits and another letter. Note: the first digit is often a 0 (zero). Some forms or websites require the complete number, including the 0, and some the number without it.
Example: Z01471885L or Z1471885L.

How to get a NIE number

The NIE is provided by:

  • National Police station with an ‘Oficina de Extranjeros’ (foreigners department).
  • Spanish Consulate in your home country.

You can make the request yourself, or let your gestor arrange it all. Make sure you make an appointment for an office in your province. In the Costa Blanca you can apply for the NIE at:

  • Benidorm – Comisaría del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía de Benidorm, C/ Apolo XI, 36, Benidorm.
  • Denia – C/ Castell d’Olimbroi, 5, Denia.
  • Alicante – Oficina de Extranjería, C/ Ebanistería 4, Alicante.
  • Elche – C/ Abeto, 1, Elche.
  • Torrevieja – C/ Maldonado, 57, Torrevieja.
  • Orihuela – C/ Sol, 34, Orihuela.
  • More offices are visible while you apply for an appointment online.

The papers you need to apply for your Spanish NIE number

Form EX15 (Solicitud de NIE y Extranjeros). This is the application form itself. You can get it here: click. Print it twice, fill in the forms, sign them and bring both the copies. Do you need help in English? Click for a PDF with the English translation and a help page of the EX15 form. For extra instructions see the instructions at the bottom-right.

Form Modelo 790 código 012. You can download it here: click. Print it twice, fill in the forms, sign them and pay the necessary tax at your local bank. You need to pay the taxes before you apply for the NIE and bring the bank-signed form.

Color passport photos (bring at least 3). It’s important to bring photos especially made for a NIE application, similar to the photos for a Spanish passport.  

A valid ID like a passport (not a drivers licence) and a full color copy of both the pages with your details.

The reason why you need the NIE. Economic, Professional of Social reasons. 

The printed conformation of your appointment for the NIE application.

How to get your NIE appointment

You apply here for the appointment. Every office has a few ‘slots’ a day and whenever someone cancels an appointment they become available again, so the possible slots change during the day. Click.

Make sure you have your passport at hand.

Choices at the application form:

  1. PROVINCIAS DISPONIBLES: choose the relevant province (for example Alicante). Click on ACEPTAR (Accept).
  2. OFICINA: Choose your office. Remember: every office had different available appointments.

Fill in all the fields, like passport number, name and family names, year of birth (año de nacimiento) and nationality (país de nacionalidad).

When everything is completed, click on ‘Acceptar’.

Next you will be presented with a window that includes your full name, passport number. If it’s all correct click on ‘Solicitar Cita’ (ask for a appointment).

If there are dates available you are able to make a choice. Otherwise you will see something like ‘En este momento no hay citas disponibles’ (at the moment there are no available appointments). Make sure you try several times a day.

NIE example
NIE document – example

It depends. As a tourist: no. But as soon as you buy or rent a house, want to buy a car of need internet or any other service, you do need a NIE number. 

Not at all. A NIE is noting more than a personal tax number. The NIE number is crucial for any interaction between you and any local or national tax office. As soon as you have or rent a house, wish to buy a car of have a local phone nr you need the number.  The NIE has nothing to do with being a resident (living in Spain) or not. Just to be clear: as a resident you still need the same NIE number. 

The NIE number is forever. There is totally no need to extend it. But there are exceptions: If you used to have a NIE number and haven’t been using it for several years (no property etc. in Spain) there is a chance the number is cancelled. 

You do not need a Certificado Empadronamiento to get your NIE. The Certificado Empadronamiento is proof Spain is your main residence. Main residence can be many years or just 6* months). 

* You do not need a Certificado Empadronamiento if you stay in Spain shorter than 3 months. 

Yes. Some schools are used to having children from other nationalities at school and are more flexibel in allowing you to start registering your child at the school. But there will be a moment they will start asking for it. 

Yes it is. Most delivering services want to know your NIE. Some of them will check at the moment of delivery and there are packages, like a smartphone or SIM card, that require you to identify yourself, including providing your NIE (just the number, not the paper). 

Yes. Remember that as soon as you need the invoice as a deductible proof of costs, for example when you want to sell your house and have to pay taxes on the profit, or when you have a company, the invoice has to meet certain criteria. Your name, the full address of you and the NIE of both you and the seller are among those criteria. 

No. Your NIE is sufficient to take out private health insurance. To qualify for national health care (INSS) you need more than just your NIE, like the Certificado Empadronamiento, the EU Registry Certificate (Tarjeta Verde/Greencard) and a Spanish income or a pension from abroad that contributes to the national health care.

Section 1 – Your personal data (Datos del Extranjero/a)

PASAPORTE: Your valid passport or ID number

NIE: This box remains empty as it is what we are trying to obtain

1st Apellido: Your family name

2nd Apellido: Your 2nd family name (if applicable)

Nombre: First name

Sexo: Tick the corresponding box: Male (H) / Female (M)

Fecha de nacimiento: Date of birth

Lugar: Place of birth

Country: Country of birth

Nacionalidad: Nationality

Estado Civil: Tick the corresponding box: Single (S) / Married (C) / Widow (V) / Divorced (D) / Separated (Sp)

Nombre del padre: First name of your father (not family name)

Nombre de la madre: First name of your mother (not family name)

Domicilio de residencia: Your current address/streetname (in Spain or abroad)

: House number

Piso: Floor number (if applicable)

Localidad: City

C.P: Postal Code

Provincia: Province 

Teléfono móvil: Mobile phone number

E-mail: Your e-mail address

Legal representative, en su caso: The name of the legal representative (ONLY when the NIE application is made by a legal representative)

DNI / NIE / PAS: The identity document of the legal representative (ONLY when the NIE application is made by a legal representative)

Section 2 – legal representative (Datos del representante a efectos de la presentación de la solicitud)

This part is only to be completed if the person submitting the application is different from the applicant. If this is the case, your representative will fill it out on your behalf, as everything else in this form. If the request is made directly by you, this section is left blank.

Section 3 – correspondence address (Domicilio a efectos de notificaciones)

In this section, you need to indicate the address where you want to receive any correspondence. This may or may not be the same address you provided in the first section. This section is particularly useful if you are represented by a third party (legal representative).

Section 4 – Application details (Datos relativos a la solicitud)

A- Type of document (Tipo de documento)

In this section, you have to select which document you are applying for, i.e. the NIE or the resident or non-resident certificate. Choose NIE.

B- Reason to apply (Motivos)

Then you have to indicate the reasons why you want to get the NIE. These reasons are specific to each individual and you can choose between Economic reasons / Professional reasons / Social reasons.

In the “Especificar” field, specify your reason more precisely. For example: buying a house (comprar una casa) or: renting a house (alquilar una casa) or: for the green card (para tarjeta verde).

C- Place of application (Lugar de presentación)

Once you have obtained your Cita Previa (appointment) you can select the place where you will have your appointment. It is often at the police station. It is important to remember to book the Cita Previa in the province where you reside.

If the request is made at a Spanish Consulate, you can tick the corresponding box. Note that the NIE is in this case only valid for 3 months.

D- Your situation in pain (Situación en España)

In this section you need to indicate if you are (going to be) residing in Spain, or if your stay is temporary.

Section at the bottom

Consiento: In this last section you first have to indicate whether you give your consent for the administration to verify your personal data. You have to agree to start the application.

Data and signature: Specify the city and date in the following format “[City] a [Day of the month] de [Month] de [Year].

You can then sign in the ‘Firma del Solicitante’ box.

Applying for the NIE number is easy. You don’t need much Spanish. If you don’t feel like waiting in front of a police-station for a few hours, we advise you to use the services of a gestor*. Some really take care of everything.

  • * See the page with general terms.

The information on this website is written with care and mostly from personal experience. We are not responsible for errors or actions based on this information. 

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